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- More than 300 hours of online video courses designed for Physical Therapists, Occupational Therapists and Assistants.Check State approval on each course page.
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- Real patient interviews.
- Medical expert contributors.
- 3D anatomy and medical illustrations.
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- Award winning content.
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- Top instructors teaching evidence based skills and techniques.
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New ! Annual Online Course Subscription
- 12 months of access to the video course library, course tests, and certificates of completion for Continuing Education Requirements.
- State specific course completion certificates. AOTA approved. PT, PTA pre-approved for the states of AK, AL, AZ, CA, CO, CT, DC, DE, GA, HI, IA, ID, IL, IN, KS, MA, ME, MI, MO, MS, MT, NC, ND, NE, NH, NM, NV, NY, OR, PA, RI, SC, SD, TN, TX, UT, VA, VT, WA, WI, and WY.
- More than 300 hours of online video courses designed for Physical Therapists, Occupational Therapists and Assistants.
- Access to future courses and content.
- Start, stop and resume, right where you left off in a course.
- Real patient interviews.
- Medical expert contributors.
- 3D anatomy and medical illustrations.
- Easy to use learning system for fast access to your courses.
- Award winning content.
- Chat Support
- Top instructors teaching evidence based skills and techniques.
Prices are in US dollarsOccupational Therapy Continuing Education
From assisting a patient recovering from an injury, regaining life skills, or helping a child with disabilities participate in school, an occupational therapist’s job is critical. When we create occupational therapy continuing education courses, we incorporate these OT practice objectives into the continuing education course material. Our occupational therapy CE courses focus on diagnosis or conditions encountered by OT’s and OTA’s and provide medical-related information and course material relevant to the occupational therapy practice.

North American Seminars, Inc. for 25 years has delivered occupational therapy courses throughout the United States. These occupational therapy continuing education seminars focus on the Human Body, Development, and Behavior: Diagnoses and conditions, biological and physical sciences, neurosciences, kinesiology, biomechanics, human development, behavior, and social sciences needed for occupational therapy service delivery. The hallmark of a Occupational therapy continuing education seminar is the laboratory or hands-on component. In the demonstration session, the Occupational therapist will learn hands-on techniques and learn to properly perform procedures essential to their OT practice.
Online Occupational Therapy Continuing Education Courses

Achieving Advanced Levels of Functional Mobility with PNF Techniques - 6.0 hrs, .6 CEU CME credit hours (IL, DC, NY): 7.20 hrs |
Bed assistance and the utilization of bed assist rails, handles, and mobility aids do not always have to be permanent after a significant injury. Occupational therapists combine various rehabilitation techniques to work strength, coordination, and endurance to optimize functional movement. This continuing education course demonstrates PNF facilitation techniques needed to elicit necessary movement in the scapular region, trunk, pelvis, and lower extremity to improve functional tasks and ADL’s. Strategies to determine energy expenditure and movement potential enhances the quality of movement toward independence with functional tasks. Delivered: Online More Info |

Acute Care Rehabilitation - 10.0 hrs, 1.0 CEU CME credit hours (IL, DC, NY): 12.00 hrs |
Occupational therapists are an essential component of the multidisciplinary team in the acute care environment. This occupational therapy continuing education course provides the tools to assist with early mobilization, coordination between the disciplines, restoring function, preventing further medical decline, and transitioning to discharge settings, all essential to preventing hospital readmissions and improved quality of life. Delivered: Online More Info |

Applying the Principles and Philosophy of PNF to Enhance Gait - 10.0 hrs, 1.0 CEU CME credit hours (IL, DC, NY): 12.00 hrs |
This course provides preparatory PNF skills for progression toward functional movement and task completion. A comprehensive program that includes PNF can decrease pain, improve functional movement and performance in everyday life, activities, homes, and the community. Delivered: Online More Info |

Balance and Falls in the Elderly Population - 11.0 hrs, 1.1 CEU CME credit hours (IL, DC, NY): 13.20 hrs |
Learn evidence-based information to assess the elderly population for fall risk. Factors contributing to the risks, task analysis, and techniques to develop appropriate programs to minimize falls and injuries in the elderly promote a more functional senior in their environment and reduce the risk of injury. Delivered: Online More Info |

Biomechanics of the Shoulder - 12.0 hrs, 1.2 CEU CME credit hours (IL, DC, NY): 14.40 hrs |
The biomechanics of the shoulder girdle requires a synergistic balance of musculoskeletal function. A occupational therapist can differentiate movement imbalance and guide treatment toward healing and progression toward optimal function. Evaluation, treatment concepts, and techniques presented for shoulder diagnoses such as rotator cuff tears, frozen shoulder, impingement, instability, are designed to provide the patient with the opportunity to return to a functional quality of life. Delivered: Online More Info |

Cancer Rehab and Survivorship - 16.0 hrs, 1.6 CEU CME credit hours (IL, DC, NY): 14.40 hrs |
A trained occupational therapist has to learn to effectively work within a cohesive clinical team in order to help the cancer survivor thrive in their environment. This course provides the foundation for oncology treatment throughout the continuum of care. The occupational therapist addresses common side effects from treatment such as pain, fatigue, decreased range of motion, and strength by modifying activities, providing individualized exercise programs, and teaching energy conservation techniques. Cognitive strategies to enhance memory and reduce anxiety, and restoring enthusiasm for participating in daily activities and survivorship programs are all essential components of the overall comprehensive plan. Delivered: Online More Info |

Critical Analysis and Treatment Strategies for the Complex Shoulder - 12.0 hrs, 1.2 CEU CME credit hours (IL, DC, NY): 14.40 hrs |
Learn the classification system to evaluate and treat various shoulder dysfunction. Subacromial pain, subacromial pain syndrome, instability, adhesive capsulitis, post-operative pain, and acromioclavicular joint problems are categorized and integrated into the evaluation and treatment model Delivered: Online More Info |

Current Concussion Evaluation and Treatment Approaches - 13.0 hrs, 1.3 CEU CME credit hours (IL, DC, NY): 15.60 hrs |
Master the behavioral and physical components involved with a mTBI. The case study presentations highlight the importance of a comprehensive occupational therapy plan to transition a mTBI patient back to functioning in the home, school, work, and community environments. The psychosocial and physical limitations addressed from a multidisciplinary approach provides the occupational therapist the foundation to improve the patient's quality of life and limit the regression of progress. Delivered: Online More Info |

Diabetes - Implications within Rehabilitation Programs - 9.0 hrs .9 CEU CME credit hours (IL, DC, NY): 10.80 hrs |
This course provides foundational information for diabetes. Occupational therapists can apply this information to help patients manage their needs when collaborating within a multidisciplinary team. Occupational therapy interventions can assist with accommodating vision impairments and provide educational information for the prevention of complications, self care, self management, and prevention. Delivered: Online More Info |

Elbow, Wrist, and Hand Injury and Orthotic Fabrication - 5.0 hrs, .5 CEU CME credit hours (IL, DC, NY): 6.00 hrs |
An Occupational Therapist or Occupational Therapy Assistant should take this course to improve their understanding of the forearm wrist and hand anatomy, biomechanics, the relationship to injuries, and orthotic fabrication. The information provides the foundation for a greater understanding of common injuries, tissues implicated, and healing times. Delivered: Online More Info |

Evidence Based Outcome Tools for Treating Balance Dysfunction - 10.0 hrs, 1.0 CEU CME credit hours (IL, DC, NY): 12.00 hrs |
Master evidence-based assessment tools to measure functional mobility in various environments objectively. Incorporating the evidence-based tools into a comprehensive program enables the coccupational therapist to apply real-life scenarios to improve functional mobility, balance, and motor skills in the patient’s environment. Delivered: Online More Info |

Foundation Exercises for the Treatment of the Shoulder - 5.0 hrs, .5 CEU CME credit hours (IL, DC, NY): 6.00 hrs |
This occupational therapy continuing education course provides step-by-step instruction for evaluating specific shoulder dysfunction and applying progressive exercises and rehab techniques to improve shoulder function, stability, and strength. Delivered: Online More Info |

Functional Rehabilitation of the Elbow, the Wrist and the Hand - 8.5 hrs, .85 CEU CME credit hours (IL, DC, NY): 10.20 hrs |
An Occupational Therapists or OTA should take this course to improve their ability to deliver better care to their patient affected by the elbow, wrist and hand injuries or disease. The ultimate goal for rehabilitation is to provide the optimal healing environment while promoting the performance of ADLs, meaningful activities within the community, home, and rehab setting. Delivered: Online More Info |

Injury Prevention and Optimal Mechanics in the Throwing Athlete - 8.0 hrs, .8 CEU CME credit hours (IL, DC, NY): 9.60 hrs |
Understanding the physical demands of the overhead athlete throughout the year is essential indetermining an appropriate rehab program. This course will assist the occupational therapist with looking at the individual overhead athlete'’s challenges, learn to evaluate based on their situation, and then develop an individualized treatment program.This occupational therapy continuing education course provides real --life examples of two youth athletes with shoulder injuries. The comprehensive approach presents a systematic evaluation and treatment approach to get the patient back to throwing safely. Slow motion analysis of the throwing arm highlights specific dysfunction and critical areas to treat. Step by step progression of drills, throwing mechanics, and return to play activities are demonstrated and discussed. Delivered: Online More Info |

Invisible Trauma - Recovery from Complex Concussions - 13.0 hrs, 1.3 CEU CME credit hours (IL, DC, NY): 15.60 hrs |
Concussions are complex, and clinicians need specific knowledge and skills to progress treatment in this patient population effectively. Often the extent of their symptoms goes unnoticed, and the person loses valuable time to heal and return to function properly. This occupational therapy continuing education course presents the testimonials of two post-concussive patients. They discuss their frustrations and achievements from the time of their injury to recovery. The physiological components involved in a concussion are varied. People suffer from anxiety, migraines, blurred vision, PPPD, physical imbalances, and depression. This course presents comprehensive evaluation and treatment tecanieus for the complex patient to progress them back to work, play, and as a productive member of society. Delivered: Online More Info |

Maximizing Post Surgical Outcomes in Cancer Rehabilitation - 6.0 hrs, .6 CEU CME credit hours (IL, DC, NY): 7.20 hrs |
This oncology rehab provides a comprehensive approach to upper extemity therapeutic solutions to improve ROM, strength, mobility, and decrease pain post-surgical procedures. A surgeon describes the different types of operations and the importance of therapy to limit complications. The techniques, manual therapy, and exercises demonstrated to provide a comprehensive program to improve functional mobility and ADL’s Delivered: Online More Info |

Myofascial Release for the Aging Population - 8.5 hrs, .85 CEU CME credit hours (IL, DC, NY): 10.20 hrs |
This course provides in -depth information about myofascial techniques and its effect on improving pain, ROM, strength, and posture. Myofascial teqhinues can be used to decrease pain and increase range of motion. These techniques will assist the occupational therapists in returning delivering effective ADL treatment programs. Delivered: Online More Info |

Post Surgical Evaluation and Treatment of the Cervical and Lumbar Spine - 12.0 hrs, 1.2 CEU CME credit hours (IL, DC, NY): 14.40 hrs |
This post-surgical spine continuing education course provides essential information on surgical techniques and healing times. OT’s that are knowledgeable in the specific procedures offer more effective programs to progress a patient safely toward independent ADL’s, IADLS’s, and at preventing post-surgical complications. Evaluation and treatment of range of motion, strength, and functional status to perform activities forms that baseline for the comprehensive approach. Delivered: Online More Info |

Progressive Vestibular Treatments for the over 60 population - 8.5 hrs, .85 CEU CME credit hours (IL, DC, NY): 10.20 hrs |
Dizziness and falls are leading contributors to disability in the senior population. Underlying vestibular dysfunction, decreased strength, and imbalance often contributes to falls in this elderly population. This course provides foundational material for the causes of vestibular dysfunction in the elderly population in addition to comorbidity factors. This course provides the tools to evaluate and treat the senior vestibular patient to improve ADL’s and IADL’s Delivered: online More Info |

Restoring Functional Gait - 13.0 hrs, 1.3 CEU CME credit hours (IL, DC, NY): 15.60 hrs |
Learn gait training techniques that will provide the occupational therapists a good foundation of the components involved in gait, which are essential when working on functional mobility activities and balance training within various settings. Delivered: Online More Info |

Restoring Synergy - 10.0 hrs, 1.0 CEU CME credit hours (IL, DC, NY): 12.00 hrs |
Learn the common symptoms associated with vestibular dysfunction. It combines various treatment solutions to progress the patient safely back to the function and activities of daily living. Specific strategies and patient education to diminish the psychosocial and physical limitations that prevent the patient from re-integrating back into the community and active home life are discussed. Delivered: Online More Info |

Sports Concussion - an Evidence-Based Course - 8.5 hrs, .85 CEU CME credit hours (IL, DC, NY): 10.20 hrs |
Learn the pathophysiology of sport-related concussion, evidence-based tools and strategies for diagnosis, and optimal treatment strategies. Occupational therapists trained in concussion management have a structured team approach to pre and post-management of concussions tend to have better outcomes, leading to a faster return to activities of daily living. Delivered: Online More Info |

CME credit hours (IL, DC, NY): 14.40 hrs |
This course provides real-life solutions to cognitive dysfunction often experienced post-stroke. The OT offers cases study examples to improve cognitive skills to enhance ADL and IADLS function. This course focuses on the multidisciplinary approach for a patient’s successful transition from the hospital to the home. In -depth discussion for preparatory discharge planning and the occupational therapist’s educational plan for the family and patient. In addition to cognitive retraining, this course provides a real-life case study for the upper extremity hemiplegic patient, and lab demonstrations to improve function Delivered: Online More Info |

Stroke and The Limbic System - 6.0 hrs, .6 CEU CME credit hours (IL, DC, NY): 7.20 hrs |
In depth information on the structures that make up the limbic system and how specific dysfunctions affect behavior and functional mobility within daily life. Considering the limbic system’s dysfunctional components post a CVA, this course focuses on precise details regarding evaluation and treatment to improve functional activities with this patient population. Delivered: Online More Info |

Stroke: Achieving Functional Movement in the Home Bound Patient - 8.5 hrs, .85 CEU CME credit hours (IL, DC, NY): 10.20 hrs |
This course provides the OT with information regarding therapy interventions for the homebound patient. The physical interventions provided by PT’s provide the OT with a baseline for functional abilities. The occupational therapist incorporates the objective findings into a comprehensive plan to improve safety when performing ADL’s, managing self - care, and prevent injury. Delivered: Online More Info |

The Fundamentals of Lymphedema Treatment - 12.0 hrs, 1.2 CEU CME credit hours (IL, DC, NY): 14.40 hrs |
This lymphedema continuing education course provides an extensive review of the lymphatic anatomy and pathways with images and texts. Step by step instructions progresses the clinician through massage and bandaging techniques to reduce lymphedema. Progressive activities and exercises promote functional movement. The use of assistive aids such as bandages and sleeves provides the patient with solutions to assist with mobility to perform ADL’s through the continuum of care. Self-care guidleines, bandaging, massage and exercises and equipped to use as educational material for improved results. Delivered: Online More Info |

The Physiological Impact of Chronic Pain - 10.0 hrs, 1.0 CEU CME credit hours (IL, DC, NY): 12.00 hrs |
Using myofascial release techniques can increase the range of joints’ motion and make daily living activities possible. In chronic pain patients, myofascial release techniques can be used before ADL to reduce pain and conjunction with activities and exercises to facilitate the release. Learn to decrease pain and increase mobility in your chronic pain patients and optimize your ADL’s. Delivered: Online More Info |

The Science of Taping: Determining Effective Techniques for Specific Diagnoses - 3.5 hrs, .35 CEU CME credit hours (IL, DC, NY): 4.20 hrs |
Learn step–by–step instruction for applying taping techniques for over 20 diagnoses. Taping is a powerful tool that occupational therapists can utilize in their comprehensive program to assist the patient in improving function with activities of daily living. Delivered: Online More Info |

CME credit hours (IL, DC, NY): 8.40 hrs |
This occupational therapy continuing education course on Parkinson’s and MS provides the neurological foundation for the dysfunction associated with MS and Parkinson’s. Comprehensive evidence based activites utilized promote functional movement, motor control, and improve energy. Various cognitive-behavioral strategies can improve the overall quality of life. Case study presentations enhance the depth of quality of life impact the disease process has had on the individuals and provides useful insight into tasks and treatment that an occupational therapist can incorporate to assist patients with these diagnoses back to the community and active life. Delivered: Online More Info |

Utilizing Pilates to Enhance Rehab Outcomes - 10.0 hrs, 1.0 CEU CME credit hours (IL, DC, NY): 12.00 hrs |
This OT continuing education course provides the foundation for Pilates exercises and instruction to incorporate the practices into a comprehensive program to improve strength, mobility, and balance. Evidence-based research demonstrates that Pilates has a positive impact on balance for the neurologically diagnosed and elderly population. Improved balance and stability leads to improved quality of movement and motion with activities within various challenging environments. Delivered: Online More Info |

Vestibular Rehabilitation - Evaluation and Treatment - 10.0 hrs, 1.0 CEU CME credit hours (IL, DC, NY): 12.00 hrs |
In the majority of cases, dizziness improves with a skilled vestibular occupational therapist. The occupational therapists will progress tasks and exercises to assist with improving all aspects of daily living. The occupational therapist can also address common symptoms of vestibular dysfunction such as depression, anxiety and imbalance. Delivered: More Info |